About Us
Whereas it is considered expedient to establish a State organization to foster and develop activities in the sphere of visual and plastic arts to promote thereby the cultural unity of the State, we the following persons thereby resolve to establish and operate the "Orissa Lalit Kala Akademi".
The major activities of the Akademi are as follows:
- To encourage and promote study and research in the field of paintings, sculpture, architecture and applied arts;
- To promote co-operation among the artists and art associations and to encourage the establishment and development of such art associations;
- To encourage the setting up of institutions to provide training and research in various fields of art;
- To promote the establishment of art centres at District levels;
- To encourage the exchange of ideas between various schools of art by organizing conferences, seminars and exhibitions, etc;
- To publish and to promote publication of literature on art, including monographs, journals and art albums etc;
- To establish and maintain an art gallery and a library for the benefit of the art centres and associations;
- To give recognition and to otherwise assist approved art association;
- To foster cultural contacts within the State and outside through art exhibitions, exchange of personal and art objects;
- To award scholarships and prizes to the deserving artists;
- To accord recognition to artists for outstanding achievements;
- To encourage and foster the revival and development of folk art;
- To promote the study of traditional art and craft techniques and to organize regional surveys of the same;
- To give aid to art associations and artists;
- In furtherance of its objects and works to purchase land, own property of all kinds and to maintain, sell, mortgage or otherwise dispose of the same, subject to the condition that prior approval of the State Government is obtained for transfer of immovable property; and
- To do such other acts and things as may be required in order to further its objects.